Annual Integrated Reports (2021-22)
Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Integrated Reporting Recognitions

Corporations the world over are switching to the Integrated Reporting Format – an indication of the growing stress on Integrated Thinking in order to ensure that Organisational Value is not just created today, but is also sustained tomorrow…
The Indian Mind has always been biased towards such an integrated whole since times immemorial…
The emergence of the Corporate Integrated Reporting Format is thereby an ode to this quintessential integrated thinking of the Indian Mind of which Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya – the proponent of the doctrine of Integral Humanism – was an eminent exponent of…
ReTHINK INDIA has thereby chosen his name to institute Integrated Reporting Recognitions 2022
to a host of Corporates Operating on the Indian Soil and adhering to the
Integrated Reporting Frameworks in their Annual Integrated Reporting
to SEBI et al.
As a part of its unique engagement, ReTHINK INDIA invites the Faculty of Management across to recommend upto
3 BSE Listed Corporations to this effect by filling up the elaborate assessment forms encapsulating
7 Guiding Principles of International <IR> Framework
A. Strategic Focus & Future Orientation
B. Connectivity of Information
C.Stakeholder Relationships
D. Materiality
E. Conciseness
F. Reliability & Completeness
G. Consistency & Comparability
juxtaposed to the
8 Content Elements of International <IR> Framework
A. Organizational Overview & External Environment
B. Governance
C. Business Model
D. Risks & Opportunities
E. Strategy & Resource Allocation
F. Performance
G. Outlook
H. Basis of Preparation & Preparation
The School of Management at various Higher Education Institutions can participate in this first of its kind endeavour of inviting HEIs to evaluate the performance of Indian Corporate Entities on count of Integrated Reporting…
The Process
SINGLE OUT upto 3 BSE Listed Corporations
GO THROUGH their Annual Integrated Report (AIR) for the Financial Year 2021-22
ASSESS these AIRs on the IR Framework
IDENTIFY the outlier/differentiated facets on any or more or all of the
Seven Frontiers of IR Framework
Strategic Focus & Futuristic Orientation
Connectivity of Information
Stakeholder Relationship
Reliability & Completeness
Consistency & Comparability
Do try to quote verbatim these Outlier Facets and Comment Upon them about its veracity
The Submission can be a kind of a quick brief read of the essence of the AIR thus submitted
RECOMMEND the aforesaid to on the official letter head of the School of Management at the said Higher Education Institution along with the NEFT/IMPS Payment Reference Number. Please do mention the names and designations of all those (Faculty, Students, Research Scholars etc.) involved in this Assessment of Integrated Reporting.
The Benefit
The Participating School of Management would find recognition on the citation of the said corporate.
It would also be mentioned & felicitated as a part of the ceremony which shall happen in a digital mode on 11th of February 2023 marking the 56th Punyatithi of Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhaya – the exponent of the Doctrine of Integral Humanism.
A token Financial Contribution of ₹ 1968 per recommendation (marking the death year of Pt. Upadhyaya) is sought for to ensure that the institutional wheel is brought into picture and only serious contenders make the recommendations. If you are recommending the AIR of 3 Companies, your participation fee shall become ₹1968*3 = ₹5904
The aforesaid contribution can be remitted via IMPS/NEFT/CHEQUE DEPOSITION to
A/C NO. 49960200000174
{Clarification :: The Fifth Character after 'B' is a Zero}
Branch Code :YEIDAX
PAN Number :: AACTR8476P
In case there is any query or clarification,
please feel free to contact Dr. Surbhi Vaish (WhatsApp: 9910050597)
For the sake of expediency ReTHINK INDIA Institute has compiled the AIRs below
Annual Integrated Reports 2021-22
Century Textiles
Wheels India
The University Atlas, Haryana
The University Atlas :: Haryana by ReTHINK INDIA
University Atlas of INDIA
Northern India
University Atlas of Jammu & Kashmir
University Atlas of Himachal Pradesh
University Atlas of Punjab
University Atlas of Delhi
University Atlas of Uttar Pradesh
University Atlas of Madhya Pradesh
Eastern India
North Eastern India
University Atlas of Assam
University Atlas of Arunachal Pradesh
University Atlas of Meghalaya
University Atlas of Manipur
University Atlas of Tripura
University Atlas of Sikkim
University Atlas of Mizoram
University Atlas of Nagaland
Western India
University Atlas of Gujarat
University Atlas of Rajasthan
University Atlas of Maharashtra
Southern India
University Atlas of Tamil Nadu
University Atlas of Kerala
University Atlas of Karnataka
University Atlas of Andhra Pradesh
University Atlas of Telangana
The University Atlas, Himachal Pradesh
The University Atlas :: Himachal Pradesh by ReTHINK INDIA
Visionary Vice Chancellors
This has however to be filled up in the online below
For any Assistance, please feel free to Ping
Dr. Surbhi at 9910050597