Vision India 2047

While delivering the Lecture at India@60 celebrations in New York on September 23, 2007, C.K. Prahalad one of the Strategic Management Legends and the Paul and Ruth McCracken Distinguished University Professor, Ross School of Business The University of Michigan remained focussed on the future. He said, “Thank you so much Tarun. Yes, India@60 – we have accomplished a great deal and we have to celebrate. I know we will have a fun-filled week here in New York. I suggest that as we celebrate, we ask ourselves: What next? As we celebrate India@60, let us remember that all our accomplishments are in the past. Leadership, however, is about the future and it is about change. Leadership is about hope. So I decided not to dwell on the past 60 years but to focus on the future. I will focus on India@75, not India@60. My focus will be on what we can accomplish in the next 15 years, building on our successes during the first 60. More importantly, what will it take to accomplish these goals during that period?” Following the similar footsteps of Prahalad, ReTHINK INDIA while commemorating India@75 intends to call upon the Doyens of Indian Academia, Industry & Government to give their mind to the Frontiers, Factors & Facets that shall Leapfrog India@75 to India@100 fulfilling their very dreams & aspirations… |
To be Conducted Online at 7:50 pm between 15th August 2022 and 26th January 2023 |
Do Pick up a Central Theme of your Oration… Check Out your preferential Date & Day for a 7:50 pm slot from the following Tracker at—Email to or Whatsapp to 9910050959— For any query, please feel free to ping Dr. Surbhi at 9910050597 |