K-12 School Leadership Atlas of India January 16, 2025 ReTHINK INDIA K-12 School Leadership Atlas of India Institution’s Name* Institutional Website Upload a High Resolution Photograph File(s) size limit is 20MB. Gender -None-MaleFemaleOther Salutation -None-AcharyaAr.Brig.BrotherCA.Capt.Col.ColonelDr.Er.Lt. Gen.Mr.Mrs.Ms.Prof.Prof.(Dr.)ReverendShri.SisterSmt.SuShri.Thiru. First Name* Last Name* Title/Designation Department Mobile* Official Email ID* Personal Email ID Twitter LinkedIN Profile Brief Bionote (400-600 words) function checkMandatory1967760000056375364() { var mndFileds = new Array('First Name','Last Name','Account Name','Email','Mobile'); var fldLangVal = new Array('First\x20Name','Last\x20Name','Institution\x5C\x27s\x20Name','Official\x20Email\x20ID','Mobile'); for(i=0;i3){ alert('You can upload a maximum of three files at a time.'); return false; } if ('files' in uploadedFiles) { if (uploadedFiles.files.length != 0) { for (var i = 0; i < uploadedFiles.files.length; i++) { var file = uploadedFiles.files[i]; if ('size' in file) { totalFileSize = totalFileSize + file.size; } } if(totalFileSize > 20971520){ alert('Total file(s) size should not exceed 20MB.'); return false; } } } return true; } function tooltipShow1967760000056375364(el){ var tooltip = el.nextElementSibling; var tooltipDisplay = tooltip.style.display; if(tooltipDisplay == 'none'){ var allTooltip = document.getElementsByClassName('zcwf_tooltip_over'); for(i=0; i Categories: Uncategorized