Civil Service of India


Seeks the Words of Wisdom of its
Empowered Members for GenNEXT

Away from the Perception of the General Citizenry, Civil Servants wield their tremendous POWER & PRIVILGE from an exalted set of values and a stringent code. They have to prove themselves continuously to be able to GOVERN this vast and diverse nation.
The Words of Wisdom(WoW) from the Corridors of Power at whatever level you may be, makes immense sense for the GenNEXT which is making its way for future. 

Initiate the GenNEXT into the Exalted VALUES & Stringent CODES of Civil Servants

A member of the civil service in discharge of his/her functions is to be guided by maintaining absolute integrityallegiance to the constitution and the law of the nationpatriotismnational pridedevotion to dutyhonestyimpartiality and transparency.

The Government of India promotes values and a certain standard of ethics of requiring and facilitating every civil servant:To discharge official duty with responsibility, honesty, accountability and without discrimination.
To ensure effective management, leadership development and personal growth.
To avoid misuse of official position or information.
To serve as instruments of good governance and foster social economic development.

You may Email Your WoW to us at

WHATSAPP :: 9910050957

CALL :: 9910050597

We look forward to circulating these WoW to the12000 Odd Schools &  2800 Techno-Managerial Colleges in the ReTHINK INDIA WoW Network