Category: Stree

Vidya Bharati School, Sector-15, Rohini

SERENE as in the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled

Vidya Bharati School has its calm, quiet and peaceful moments during the classes.

TENACIOUS as in persisting in existence; not easily dispelled

The school pursues its goals persistently despite facing challenges. With grit, we exhibit determination and overcome obstacles.

REVERBERATING as in having continuing and serious effects

Our influence resonates beyond our institutional boundaries. We produce graduates who contribute positively to the society.

ENCHANTING as in being delightfully charming or attractive

Our school offers a captivating immersive environment comprising of a lush green ground, with exuberant variety of flora including medicinal as well as ornamental species spread over the ground. The school also has a kitchen garden, with healthy and nutritious vegetables grown and taken care of by the gardener.

Our school also conducts regular trips to the kitchen garden for our tiny tots and teaches them about earing healthy food and basic methods of farm to plate.

EMPOWERING as in making others stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights

Vidya Bharati School works to empower and strengthen individuals through online and in-house trainings, thereby working to enhance their knowledge and skills.

We provide numerous opportunities and resource materials, which further support women empowerment, thereby enabling them to achieve economic independence.

Frontier of SUCCESS 1

Best Cultural Category in National School Award

Frontier of SUCCESS 2

Inspiring Education Hero Award by EGN India Award

Frontier of SUCCESS 3

Special Coordinator Award by Orange Global

Frontier of SUCCESS 4

Awards in Zonals in Music and Sports

Frontier of SUCCESS 5

Silver Award in School Enterprise Challenge

Frontier of SUCCESS 6

International Eminence Excellence Award 2023

Frontier of SUCCESS 7

Women’s Achiever Award for addressing issues pertaining to Gender Stereotypes

Facet 1

Vidya Bharati School has skilled educators who incorporate effective teaching pedagogies to engage learners, so as to provide holistic development of the students.

Facet 2

We offer a diverse curriculum which caters to the variegated interests and learning styles of individuals.

Facet 3

Our school is well equipped with modern up-to-date classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and technology to enhance the learning environment.

Facet 4

The school also has provision for a Special Educator, to cater to the needs of special needs children. The educator further works in tandem to provide special counseling, academic advising, and other support services to assist students in their academic and personal growth.

Facet 5

The school follows a rigorous timetable which further offers extracurricular activities to provide opportunities for students to participate in clubs, sports, arts, and other activities that contribute to their holistic development.

Facet 6

The school allows students and staff to engage in research projects, fostering critical thinking and intellectual growth. This way, not only does it help in developing their critical thinking skills, it also enhances their 21st Century Skills.

Facet 7

We promote an inclusive environmental diversity, where everyone is welcomed with open arms and treated with equal warmth and amicability. Equity, and inclusion to ensure that everyone feels welcome and valued.

Facet 8

The school works to provide great opportunities for career development by offering career counseling, internships, and connections to teachers and its faculty members, so as to prepare students for future employment.

Facet 9

We practise a collaborative culture in our school, thereby fostering an environment of cooperation and teamwork among staff and students, encouraging knowledge sharing and personal growth.

Feminine Virtues Cherished & Nurtured


Vidya Bharati School is a women oriented institution, which is effectively run and efficiently mentored by Chairperson Madam Prachi Grover. With women taking up all the important and prominent roles, it is the best exemplar of Nari Shakti. Stateswomanship in our institution can be depicted through various practices and approaches that prioritize effective leadership, diplomacy, and ethical decision-making. We practise inclusive leadership in stateswomanship while focusing on creating an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are respected and valued. We ensure that all stakeholders, including students, faculty, and staff, have a voice in decision-making processes.

This can be seen in the collaborative decision-making practice that we follow in our school by involving various stakeholders in discussions about institutional policies, curriculum development, and resource allocation.

We also keep in mind global engagement in our institution while promoting international partnerships, exchange programs, and opportunities for students to engage with different cultures and viewpoints.

We focus on the use of diplomacy and mediation to address conflicts and differences within our institution and try to find solutions that benefit all parties involved.

We practise ethical governance by ensuring transparency, accountability, and integrity in all institutional processes.

With a long-term vision, we concentrate on long-term goals, such as the continuous improvement of teaching methods, curriculum, and facilities to meet evolving educational needs.

At Vidya Bharati School, we advocate for students’ well-being, both academically and emotionally. Not only do we work to create a supportive environment that fosters holistic development, we also remain composed and responsive during crisis. We communicate effectively with stakeholders and make decisions that prioritize the safety and needs of the institution’s community.

We also work to create an environment where faculty and students are empowered to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, to take on leadership roles and contribute to the betterment of the institution, thereby fostering a culture of growth and development.

Overall, we are an educational institution which reflects a commitment to ethical leadership, collaboration, and the holistic development of students and the institution as a whole. It contributes to the creation of a positive and impactful learning environment.


Our school exemplifies bravery, courage, and moral strength through anecdotes, narratives, artwork, and displays honoring historical figures or events that embody valour.

Additionally, our school has incorporated valour into its curriculum, and encouraged students to learn about and emulate acts of bravery in various contexts.

We offer programs and opportunities that encourage students to step out of their comfort zones, take on leadership roles, and make decisions that require courage and conviction.

Ethical Education is an engaging educational tool practised by teaching about moral and ethical principles that can inspire students to stand up for what is right, even in the face of challenges.

We work to provide community service by encouraging students to engage in society work which can provide opportunities for them to display courage and empathy while contributing to the betterment of society.


We offer programs and opportunities that encourage students to step out of their comfort zones, take on leadership roles, and make decisions that require courage and conviction.

Teaching them about moral and ethical principles inspires our students to stand up for what is right, even in the face of challenges.

Community Service: Encouraging students to engage in community service or volunteer work can provide opportunities for them to display courage and empathy while contributing to the betterment of society.

Students set meaningful and achievable goals which encourage them to work steadily towards their objectives, even in the face of obstacles.

Various workshops are regularly organized by the school on resilience, stress management, and coping strategies which equip them with the tools to navigate setbacks and challenges.


Incorporating character education programs that focus on traits like integrity, honesty and responsibility helps students develop a strong moral foundation.

They develop an understanding of right or wrong, fostering a sense of purity in their actions and decisions.

Community service and volunteer projects nurtures a sense of altruism and a commitment to the well-being of others.

Promoting zero tolerance policy for cheating and plagiarism communicates our commitment to integrity and purity.


Establishing a relationship built on trust and mutual respect between teachers and students contributes to a sense of fidelity within the educational community.

Being transparent, our policies, decisions and changes cultivate a sense of responsibility and accountability.


Our faculty members use straightforward teaching methods and materials which are easy to comprehend the learning process.

Using clear rubrics and assessment criteria helps students understand how their work will be evaluated and helps them adhere to institutional norms, without confusion.


Implementation of careful budgeting and financial planning ensures resource optimization with minimum wastage and unnecessary expenses.


The school fosters an environment where diverse viewpoints are valued and diverse perspectives respected. It includes acknowledgment of everyone’s contribution, which plays a major role in the success of the institution.


Being respectful and kind towards each other, creating a safe, supported and valued environment, encouraging empathy and understanding towards the challenges and experiences of other persons creates an affectionate and caring behavior in.the premises.


At Vidya Bharati School, the instructors impart knowledge and skills to students through lectures, discussions, and various interactive methods. It often involves a teacher-student dynamic, with educators guiding learning, assessing progress, and facilitating a conducive learning environment. Modern approaches emphasize student-centered learning and the use of technology to enhance the educational experience. We even have a smart board to aid as a team effective teaching tool.


Students at VBS practise respectful interactions with their peers, teachers, and staff members. They treat each individual with fairness, courtesy, and consideration, regardless of their background, abilities, or differences.

Code of conduct and policies that emphasize the importance of maintaining dignity and preventing any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying are established in the premises.


Teachers demonstrate commitment by preparing engaging lessons, providing timely feedback, and supporting student growth. Students exhibit commitment by actively participating in their studies, attending classes, and taking their education seriously.


The school realises that personal values can vary widely, and we should respect individuals’ diverse perspectives and choices regarding such matters.


We include the aspects of patriotism in our curriculum by teaching students about their nation’s history, government structures, cultural heritage, and important national symbols. Thisvway, we foster a sense of belonging and attachment to the country.


Sacrifice is often depicted through stories, lessons, and discussions that highlight the importance of selflessness and giving up something for a greater cause. Examples of historical figures who made sacrifices for the betterment of society or the advancement of knowledge are used to inspire students. Additionally, students are engaged in activities that emphasize the value of sacrifice, such as community service projects or initiatives that promote empathy and understanding of others’ needs.


Classroom discussions about important social issues, projects that require creative thinking and risk-taking, and extracurricular activities that promote stepping outside one’s comfort zone form an integral part of our curriculum. Highlight on historical examples of individuals who displayed courage in the face of adversity, inspires students to stand up for their beliefs and take initiative.


Our dedication and commitment to follow educatioal pursuits and devotion of students and staff in joining clubs, sports, or community service with passion and enthusiasm depict our devotion.


Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions, make amends when necessary, and learn from their experiences. We offer programs
and workshops that teach conflict resolution skills, promote open communication, and encourage students to empathize with others. By incorporating forgiveness as a value, we contribute to creating a supportive and compassionate learning environment that nurtures personal growth and positive relationships.


Goodness is often demonstrated through actions such as volunteering, participating in charitable initiatives, and showing consideration for fellow students and educators. We incorporate character education programs that teach values like honesty, compassion, and responsibility. By fostering an environment that values goodness, we contribute to the development of students who not only excel academically but also contribute positively to society as caring and responsible individuals.


Teachers, students, and staff members are encouraged to communicate openly and truthfully, fostering an environment of trust. Sincerity can be observed in students’ approach to learning, as they engage earnestly with their studies and express their thoughts and opinions genuinely.


We emphasize on the importance of caring for the well-being of fellow students, educators, and the wider community. This can be seen in initiatives such as anti-bullying campaigns, community service projects, and discussions about social issues. Compassion is encouraged by encouraging students to listen actively, support their peers, and engage in acts of kindness.

Spirituality replete with Divine Devotion & States(wo)manship smeared with Arrogance tinged Anger and Ruthlessness

Spirituality is characterized by deep connection to the divine and devotion, often promotes virtues like compassion, humility, and understanding. On the other hand, states(wo)manship, referring to leadership in governance, can sometimes be marred by negative traits like arrogance, anger, and ruthlessness, which hinder effective decision-making and harm relationships.

This contrast underscores the importance of aligning personal and professional conduct with principles of empathy, respect, and ethical behavior. Integrating spirituality into leadership can foster greater empathy and conscientious decision-making. Conversely, addressing arrogance, anger, and ruthlessness in states(wo)manship can lead to more effective governance and healthier interpersonal dynamics.

Ultimately, the synthesis of these two realms involves recognizing the potential for growth and transformation. By cultivating qualities of compassion, humility, and self-awareness, leaders can bridge the gap between spirituality and governance, promoting a harmonious balance that benefits both individuals and society.

Exercise of Intellect & Courage in Professional World vis-a-vis Sublimely Foresaking talents for the greater benefit of raising Family

The synthesis of the complimentary traits of character and coping with conflicting circumstances involves navigating the complex terrain of the professional world while making choices that align with personal values and responsibilities. Here’s how these concepts can intersect

1. Intellect and Courage: The exercise of intellect and courage in the professional world involves making informed decisions, taking calculated risks, and challenging the status quo. Courage drives individuals to step outside their comfort zones, while intellect ensures decisions are well-founded.

2. Balancing Priorities: The key is to find a balance that respects one’s professional aspirations while also considering family responsibilities. This balance requires effective time management, setting boundaries, and open communication.

3. Resilience and Adaptation: The ability to cope with conflicting circumstances and make difficult sacrifices demands resilience to bounce back from setbacks and adaptability to changing situations.

Toughness of Courage & Softness of Compassion

Courage, with its toughness, involves confronting fears, challenges, and uncertainties head-on. It requires inner strength and a willingness to take risks, even in the face of adversity. Courage allows individuals to stand up for their beliefs, pursue goals, and lead in difficult situations.

Compassion, on the other hand, embraces softness through empathy and understanding. It involves recognizing and connecting with the emotions and struggles of others. Compassion encourages kindness, support, and a desire to alleviate suffering.

By combining these traits, individuals can exhibit a well-rounded approach to navigating life’s challenges. This balance promotes a world where strength and empathy coexist, fostering resilience, collaboration, and positive impact.

Hardwork & Humility

The synthesis of the complementary qualities of hard work and humility involves cultivating a balanced approach to character and coping with conflicting circumstances. Here’s how these qualities can harmonize:

1. Hard Work and Resilience: The effort put into hard work contributes to developing resilience, enabling individuals to withstand setbacks and keep moving forward.

2. Humility and Adaptability: Humility encourages individuals to accept change and acknowledge that they don’t have all the answers. This mindset promotes adaptability in the face of conflicting circumstances.

3. Balancing Effort: The diligent pursuit of goals through hard work doesn’t mean disregarding the input of others. Humility allows individuals to consider alternative perspectives and collaborate effectively.

Austerity vis-a-vis Astuteness

Austerity refers to a simple and disciplined lifestyle, often involving frugality, self-control, and a conscious effort to minimize excess or extravagance.

Astuteness, on the other hand, is the ability to assess situations, make wise judgments, and navigate complex scenarios effectively.

Practising austerity can be astute in situations where conserving resources or maintaining a low profile is advantageous. Similarly, being astute might involve using resources judiciously and avoiding unnecessary expenditures.

Existence Distilled in the depths of Mind & Heart vis-a-vis Flaunting the Freedom of the ORDINARY

Synthesis involves merging the depths of introspection and understanding with the freedom to find value in everyday experiences. This harmony enriches one’s character, strengthens coping abilities, and enables a balanced and fulfilling life journey.

1. Meaningful Choices: Reflecting on the depths of the mind allows individuals to make conscious choices aligned with their values, contributing to their sense of character.

2. Joy in Simplicity: Finding joy in ordinary moments encourages contentment and reduces the impact of conflicting circumstances on one’s well-being.

3. Introspection and Adaptability: The depths of the mind encourage introspection, fostering adaptability as individuals gain insight into their strengths, weaknesses, and capacities.

4. Freedom and Balance: Embracing the freedom of the ordinary means finding balance between pursuing aspirations and cherishing the simple joys of life.

Balancing out of Rights and Responsibilities in the Context of variegated Socio-Professional Roles

It involves mindful navigation and effective time management. Following points to be kept in mind:
1. Prioritize and Set Boundaries
2. Manage time effectively
3. Delegate responsibilities
4. Effective communication
5. Be flexible and adaptable
6. Evaluate regularly

Handling Conflicts, Struggles, Challenges, Doubts with Elegance & Style living life with Truth, Beauty, Courage and Divinity

Elegance and style in managing conflicts and challenges involve maintaining composure, open communication, and a solution-oriented mindset. Responding with grace can defuse tension and promote effective resolutions.

Integrating truth and beauty into life means valuing authenticity and appreciating the aesthetic aspects of existence. Embracing truth leads to genuine interactions, while recognizing beauty enhances one’s outlook and interactions with the world.

Facing doubts and struggles with courage requires confronting uncertainties while maintaining a firm belief in one’s abilities. Courage enables stepping outside of comfort zones and persevering despite obstacles.

Infusing divinity into life involves connecting with a higher purpose or sense of spirituality. This connection can provide solace, guidance, and a broader perspective on challenges.

The synthesis of these elements creates a holistic approach to life, where challenges are met with a blend of poise, authenticity, courage, and spiritual depth. This balance fosters personal growth, positive interactions, and a meaningful journey that embraces both the trials and the joys of life.

Ability to face CRISIS

1.Skill Enhancement–Provide training and workshops to equip women with practical skills relevant to crisis management, such as conflict resolution, decision-making under pressure, and adaptability.
2. Mental Resilience: Promote emotional intelligence and mental well-being. Teach techniques to manage stress, anxiety, and uncertainty during challenging times.
3. Networking: Encourage women to build support networks among peers and mentors. These networks can offer guidance, advice, and a sense of belonging during crisis.
4. Scenario-Based Training: Conduct simulations and role-playing exercises that simulate crisis situations. This practical experience can boost confidence and preparedness.
5. Access to Resources: Ensure women have access to relevant resources, both information and physical support, to aid them in handling different types of crisis.

Unshakable FAITH

Ways to empower women to cultivate and strengthen their faith:

1. Personal Growth Workshops: Offer workshops that focus on personal development, self-discovery, and building inner strength. These sessions can help women connect with their beliefs and develop a sense of faith in themselves.
2. Mentorship and Role Models: Connect women with mentors and role models who exemplify unshakable faith. Hearing about others’ experiences can inspire women to develop their own strong beliefs.
3. Supportive Community: Foster a sense of community where women can openly discuss their beliefs and experiences. Sharing stories and connecting with others can strengthen faith.
4. Counseling Services: Offer counseling services that help women address any self-doubt or negative thought patterns that might undermine their faith. Professional guidance can be invaluable.

Invincible POWER from within

Ways to empower women to cultivate and harness their inner strength:

1. Self-Confidence Workshops: Offer workshops and programs that focus on building self-confidence. These sessions can help women recognize their inherent worth and capabilities.

2. Positive Self-Affirmations: Encourage women to practice positive self-talk and affirmations that reinforce their inner strength and potential.

3. Storytelling and Role Models: Share stories of women who have demonstrated remarkable inner strength and overcome challenges. These role models can inspire others to tap into their own power.

4. Overcoming Adversity: Provide platforms for women to share their personal stories of overcoming adversity. Sharing experiences of triumph can inspire others to embrace their inner power.


Here’s how to empower women to achieve their highest aspirations:

1. Goal Setting: Help women define clear and specific goals that align with their highest aspirations. Break these goals down into actionable steps for a structured approach.

2. Personal Development Plans: Encourage the creation of personalized development plans that encompass skills, knowledge, and experiences needed to reach their aspirations.

3. Continuous Learning: Promote a mindset of continuous learning. Encourage women to seek out opportunities for skill enhancement, education, and personal growth.

4. Overcoming Self-Doubt: Address self-doubt and imposter syndrome through coaching and workshops. Building confidence is essential for pursuing ambitious goals.

Never say DIE SPIRIT

Ways to empower women to cultivate unwavering determination:

1. Resilience Workshops: Offer workshops on building resilience and coping strategies. Teach women how to bounce back from setbacks with renewed determination.

2. Positive Role Models: Share stories of women who have faced immense challenges and refused to give up. These stories can serve as inspiration and models of determination.

3. Goal Setting: Encourage women to set clear and achievable goals. Goal-oriented individuals are more likely to stay motivated and determined.

4. Supportive Environment: Foster a supportive community where women can share their struggles, seek advice, and receive encouragement from peers.


Here’s how to empower women to handle conflicts effectively:

1. Conflict Resolution Workshops: Offer workshops that teach conflict resolution skills, including communication, negotiation, and problem-solving techniques.

2. Emotional Intelligence: Provide training on emotional intelligence, helping women understand and manage their emotions in conflict situations.

3. Stress Management: Offer stress management techniques that help women remain composed and focused even in the midst of conflicts.

4. Mediation Skills: Introduce mediation techniques for resolving conflicts as neutral third parties. These skills can be useful in both personal and professional settings.

Being the TORCHBEARER of LEADERSHIP & SELF-MASTERY in the Context of Classical Spiritual Wisdom

1. Values-Based Leadership: Emphasize values derived from spiritual wisdom, such as humility, integrity, and service. These values form the foundation of authentic and impactful leadership.

2. Ethical Decision-Making: Teach ethical decision-making rooted in spiritual principles. This approach ensures that women lead with a strong moral compass.

3. Compassionate Communication: Encourage compassionate communication that fosters understanding, collaboration, and harmony in professional interactions.

Inducing Sustainable Empowerment beyond the Reflections of Dress Codes; Job Titles; Salary et al

Here are some ways to achieve this:

1. Community Outreach Programs: Organize workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns in local communities to spread the message of women’s empowerment, focusing on issues beyond external appearances or job titles.

2. Collaboration with NGOs: Partner with non-governmental organizations working for women’s rights and empowerment to create impactful initiatives that address real challenges faced by women.

3. Social Awareness Campaigns: Launch campaigns that tackle issues like domestic violence, women’s health, and education disparities, promoting awareness and encouraging action.

4. Empowerment through Arts: Use art, drama, literature, and other forms of creative expression to convey messages of empowerment and inspire change.

5. Networking Events: Organize events that bring together women from various backgrounds to network, share experiences, and learn from each other.

Accepting Equanimity of Stature & Notion of Success between a Sari Clad Mother; School Girl and a Corporate Businesswoman

Expanding the concept of “STREE SHAKTI” beyond institutional confines involves embracing the equanimity of stature and the notion of success among women from different walks of life. Here’s how to promote this acceptance:

1. Media Representation: Encourage diverse and inclusive portrayals of women in media, showcasing their various roles, backgrounds, and achievements.

2. Educational Programs: Integrate gender awareness and diversity into educational curricula, teaching students to respect and value women’s contributions across all spheres.

3. Supportive Networks: Establish networks that connect women from different backgrounds, fostering a sense of community and shared experiences

Appreciating the Integral Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Journey independent of both COMMON & NOTABLE ROLES

By embracing the strategies, the concept of “STREE SHAKTI” can encompass the holistic mental, emotional, and spiritual journey of women, allowing them to thrive and find fulfillment irrespective of the roles they play or the expectations placed upon them.

1. Storytelling Platforms: Provide platforms where women can share their personal stories, struggles, and triumphs that have contributed to their inner growth.

2. Holistic Education: Promote education that emphasizes personal development, emotional intelligence, and spiritual awareness, nurturing the whole individual.

Winning over the NEGATIVE Portrayal of STREE SHAKTI being superstitious, conservative, veiled, self-centered

Expanding the commemoration of “STREE SHAKTI” beyond campus and countering negative portrayals involves promoting a positive and empowered image of women in the larger society. Here’s how to achieve this:

1. Education and Awareness Campaigns: Organize workshops, seminars, and discussions that educate the community about the diverse capabilities, achievements, and contributions of women, dispelling stereotypes.

2. Art and Culture Exhibitions: Organize events that showcase art, literature, and cultural expressions that depict the strength, resilience, and versatility of women.

3. Collaboration with Influencers: Partner with influential individuals who can use their platforms to promote positive narratives about women and challenge stereotypes.

4. Empowerment Programs: Launch programs that empower women economically, socially, and culturally. Empowered women can serve as living examples of breaking stereotypes.