Futuristic Pre-Schools

DARE to Dream to be a Futuristic Pre-School


After having identified & acknowledged the Futuristic Schools of India in the year 2017 and 2018 nominations are open for
Futuristic Pre-Schools of India for the year 2019 which encompasses 7 pertinent Futuristic Narratives which can be applied for singly, in combination or all depending on the evolutionary curve of the Pre-School.

All the participating Pre-Schools shall thereby qualify for a year long handholding programme to improvise their understanding, aspiration and commitment on each of the measured metrics.

These ratings & rankings shall be exploring the existing and aspirational status of the applicant Pre-Schools around the following emerging thematics of Pre-School Education

Foundations of Futurism

Learning Ambience

School Secure


Technology Enabled Education

Research – Innovation – Entrepreneurship


The Fast Changing World of Today appreciates Institutions which have the relentless propensity to improvise and catching up with the times while having their moorings deeply anchored into the fundamentals.

The ratings of each of the aforesaid thematics shall be reported in the following classes of being
gauging duly the metrics of understanding, aspiration & commitment on each of these counts.

The elaborate rating & ranking form shall try to encapsulate the entire spectrum of strengths & opportunities which the participant school presents to its existing and aspiring learning communities.

The Futuristic Schools of India Ratings & Rankings 2019 is a unique template which shall enable the participating schools to embark upon their journey for a futuristic education.

Step 1
Register for the Futuristic Schools of India Ratings & Rankings 2019. The sooner you register, the more time you get for preparing their detailed responses.
Step 2
Fill up the detailed form in due consultation with various school stakeholders.
Step 3
Answer some follow-up questions

Registration Open till April 30th, 2019
Submission Deadline :: May 31st, 2019
Release of Ratings & Rankings and Felicitations of Futuristic Schools of India
June 21st, 2019 during
Convention on Futurism



Dr. Surbhi Vaish

M: 9910050939 | W: 9910050597 | L: 0120-4926060 | E: surbhi@rethinkindia.in

Categories: Futuristic Schools