eduSOLUTIONS Portfolio

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The National Education Policy 2019 has come out with a comprehensive vision and action plan pertaining to the incorporation of Technology in Education. The Chapter 19 of the aforesaid NEP2019 Document lays down the Objective of Technology in Education as

Appropriate integration of technology into all levels of education – to support teacher preparation and development; improve teaching, learning and evaluation processes; enhance educational access to disadvantaged groups; and streamline educational planning, administration and management.

The Policy document goes on to classify Technology in Education broadly into four categories, three of which are concerned directly with students, teachers and classroom processes.

The first and most important area is teacher preparation and their CPD. It is essential for teachers to receive adequate training in how to leverage technology to improve educational outcomes. Teacher preparation may itself leverage technology (e.g. through the use of online courses), but the quality of training must be of the highest quality.

A second important area where technology can be impactful is in the classroom processes of teaching, learning and evaluation. Technology based tools must be created in response to challenges in these areas, in a continuous process. The tools must be carefully evaluated to ensure that they address the challenges without creating additional new ones.

The third area is the use of technology to improve access to education for disadvantaged groups, including differently-abled students, girls and women, and students living in remote areas.

The fourth area is the planning, administration and management of the entire education system.

ReTHINK INDIA has taken upon itself the task of classifying the various eduSOLUTIONS in the market in the aforesaid segmentation and present their veracity and efficacy in a case study format to the larger community of educators so that these fascinating eduSOLUTIONS no longer continue their stature as yet another commodity to differentiate but a sought after transformational tool in the areas deployed.

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