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Introduction to eduJAPAN Programme by Raghav Mittal, Editor ReTHINK INDIA
In my opinion, if all our rich and educated men once go and see Japan, their eyes will be opened.
Swami Vivekananda
Dr. Ashok Jain, President MOSAI
initiating the Progressive Principals of India into eduJAPAN

Schools running eduJAPAN CELLS
Sanjay Ghodawat International School, Kolhapur, Maharashtra
IRIS World School, Karimnagar, Telangana
Anand Niketan, Bhadaj Campus, Ahmedabad
Modern Public School, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi
Lakshya International School, Kakinada
NPS International School, Guwahati
DCM Presidency School, Ludhiana
Dass & Brown World School, Ferozepur
eduJAPAN is a first of its kind Programme whereby eduJAPAN Cells are being set up at prominent schools across India to take up the cause and case of Learning from Japan.
The programme operates at the following 3 levels.
Know about Japan
Japan is a Beautiful, Culturally & Technologically Advanced Asian Country. A Country that has closeness to India because of its over centuries of contacts with Indian Culture. Knowing about Japanese Culture & its Learning Ecosystem paving the path for high value employment & entrepreneurial opportunities with the host of Japanese Companies. A number of Videos about Japan would be displayed as a part of this step and the knowledge intake shall be tested by way of quizzes etc. The students would also be made aware about the Education Opportunities in Japan and the vast Techno-Industrial Establishment of Japan.
Engage with Japan
Participate in a host of activities as in learning the Japanese Language, going for educational tours of Japanese establishments in India as well as Japan, organizing & attending Japanese conferences and seminars etc. eduJAPAN Cells shall commemorate Japanese Festivals at their premises, invite Japanese people on their campus to engage with them deeply and to strengthen the cultural & educational connect with Japan and organize an Activity Centre around Manga | Origami | Karaoke | Karate | Judo | Japanese Folk Dance & Games etc.

Getting Familiarized with the language is probably the first step to engage with a new fascinating culture. The Easy Japanese Programme gears up the participants to pick up a functional Japanese. Drawn from the lessons in Easy Japanese of NHK, this programme attempts to inculcate Easy Japanese in an entirely playful manner both at School & back Home. This primer in Japanese shall open up the window for a much more intense Preparation to undergoJapanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)JLPT of The Japan Foundation enables students to assess their acquired language skill and performance in the test which often forms the basis of selection for jobs and admissions to educational institutions in Japan.
The Test is held annually in the first week of December.
Transact with Japan

Applying for Japanese Universities, Taking up the various eligibility cum qualification tests for entering the Japanese educational ecosystem, Applying for Scholarships, Fellowships and various programmes sponsored by Japanese Government as a part of Indo-Japan connect.
This strand of the programme prepares the participating students to Study in Japanese Universities whereby 86 National Universities; 95 Public Universities; 597 Private Universities with World Class Facilities Welcomes International Students.
Examination for Entrance to Japanese Universities (EJU)
The Test is conducted by MOSAI twice a year (June & November) on behalf of Japan Student Services Organisation (JASSO) recognized by Government of Japan’s MOMBUKAGAKU SHO (counterpart of Indian MHRD). The Examination facilitates admission to Japanese Universities and constitutes the basis of award of Scholarships.
The EJU Handholding Programme shall provide the due handholding as well as Higher Educational Counseling for Studying in Japan providing information on graduate & postgraduate studies in Japan
To Set Up an eduJAPAN Cell at Your Institution
Dr. Surbhi Vaish Mittal
Director Relationships
(M: 9910050597)