Integral Humanism Synthesizing the Quartet of Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha for Lasting Global Peace & Prosperity
Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
Propounder of the Philosophical Foundations of Integral Humanism (Born 25th September 1916 – Dead 11th February 1968)
Humankind, according to Upadhyaya, has four hierarchically organized attributes of body, mind, intellect and soul which corresponded to the four universal objectives of dharma (moral duties), artha (wealth), kama (desire or satisfaction), and moksha (total liberation or ‘salvation’). While none could be ignored, dharma is the ‘basic’, and moksha the ‘ultimate’ objective of humankind and society. He claimed that the problem with both capitalist and socialist ideologies is that they only consider the needs of body and mind, and were hence based on the materialist objectives of desire and wealth.
According to Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya’s Integral Humanism, the primary concern in India should be to develop an indigenous development model that has human beings as its core focus. It is opposed to both western capitalistindividualism and Marxist socialism, though welcoming to western science. Integral Humanism seeks a middle ground between capitalism and socialism, evaluating both systems on their respective merits, while being critical of their excesses and alienness.
Integral Humanism rejects social systems in which individualism ‘reigns supreme’. It also rejects communism in which individualism is ‘crushed’ as part of a ‘large heartless machine’. Society, according to Upadhyaya, rather than arising from a social contract between individuals, was fully born at its inception itself as a natural living organism with a definitive ‘national soul’ or ‘ethos’ and its needs of the social organism paralleled those of the individual.
The Mobius Strip of the New Education Policy 2019 symbolizing the perpetual, developing and living nature of knowledge – that which has no beginning and that which has no end
In every epoch of humankind, knowledge represents the sum of what is created by all previous generations, to which the present generation adds its own. The motif of the Mobius strip symbolizes the perpetual, developing and live nature of knowledge – that which has no beginning and that which has no end. This Policy envisages creation, transmission, use and dissemination of knowledge as a part of this continuum.
Thursday, 14th of March, 2019 Civil Services Officers’ Institute, Vinay Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 110021
Programme Agenda
8:00 am Onwards Welcome Breakfast cum Conference Registration
9.00 – 9.15 Welcome Address
The Changing Landscape of Global Higher Education
Raj Mruthyunjayappa Managing Director, Campus Management International
9:15 – 10:00 Key Note Address
The Socio-Economic-Developmental Imperative of Higher Education in India The Increasing Role of Private Sector
10.00 – 10:15 Tea Break
10:15 – 1:15 Institutional Growth Case Studies
Leveraging Technology to Address challenges in Institutional growth as in Student Enrollment, Institutional Excellence (Ranking), Compliance and Administrative Efficiencies {Signature Presentations from CFTIs, Private Universities, Deemed to be Universities, State Technical Universities}
The Higher Education Manifesto 2019-2024 Strategizing for Global Leadership in Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship {Higher Education Ministers from various States}
3.30 – 4.15 Showcase Presentation
Enterprise solutions that help transformation by Campus Management Corp
4.15 – 6.00 Campus Preparedness Awards 2019
RSVP Dr. Surbhi Vaish President, ReTHINK INDIA M: 9910050939 | W: 9910050597
November 20th, 2018 | Scope Convention Centre, New Delhi
Social Business per se is being seen as an emerging strategic approach towards a much broader political-economic discourse that aims at fundamentally transforming the prevalent Neo-Liberal Model of Development which has led to the current state of inequity in the society.
Social Business Forum 2018 thereby intends to explore the possibilities of creating Democratically RUN, Economically JUST, Socially INCLUSIVE & Environmentally SUSTAINABLE FUTURES through a combined strategy of interrelated local and global action in the Upanishadic spirit of “सह वीर्यम करवावहे” whereby
Citizens act for the Co-Creation of a Self Reliant Nation.
The Forum shall thereby witness the convergence of an entire cross section of thinkers, tinkerers & torchbearers from Political Parties, Academia, Industry, Government and Civil Society to engage themselves in this first of its kind exploration.
The Forum shall unveil a draft manifesto note for all the political parties of the country to incorporate social business as a dominant facet of their political agenda.
The Forum shall also witness the giving away of the Social Business Forum Awards 2018 to those enterprises which have smartly intertwined the social and financial purposes.
The Forum shall also accentuate the creation of Centres of Social Business at various Techno-Managerial Institutions of the country which shall become the epi-centres of Collaborative Action Research extending Practical Business Development Support to the incubatee Social Businesses.
Laxmi Prakash Semwal
Annamrit Farmers As Owners Foundation
2:25 PM - 2:30 PM
Book Release by the Assembled Dignitaries
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Theme Address
Fons van der Velden
Founder Context, International Cooperation
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Panel Discussion cum Open House
Building the case for “r” equivalence to “g”
for a Just Society & Fair Economy
{r :: rate of return on private capital | g :: rate of growth of economic output and incomes}
Supplementary Asks
ReTHINKING CSR :: Going Beyond
Exploring the Convergence of the diverse Poles of Profit & Philanthropy Investing in the creation of Sustainable Social Businesses Issues & Challenges Confronting the Expanding Vistas of Impact Investment
Evaluating the Veracity of Social Business Framework From a Political Economy Perspective Accentuating the commensurate Regulatory & Legal Provisions Main Aim – Optimize benefits (blended value) for Primary Value Creators | Secure Continuity and Growth through increased production Value Drivers – Blended value for Primary Value Creators, Customers and Social Investors at large Daily Control – Primary Value Creators together with investor/private sector party oversee daily management Strength – Primary Value Creators treated as equal partners | Strong linkages with Primary Value Creators and the overall Supply Chain | Value creation for multiple stakeholders (Primary Value Creators, investors and customers) | No political or governmental interference Weakness – Potential conflict among partners | Balancing financial and social objectives | Risk of partners falling back to their old values and practices | Finding social investors
Auditing Social & Economic Impact of Welfare Spending Adopting Alternate Choices in the creation of Schemes in the context of Social Business Framework Accentuating Academic Research & Policy Advocacy to that Effect
Diversifying Innovation in the Context of Nurturing Social Business
Prof. Rajeev Gowda
Incharge Manifesto Committee, Indian National Congress
Jayant Chaudhury National Vice-President, RLD
Atishi Marlena Member, Political Committee, AAP
Dr. Devinder Sharma Agrarian Economy Thinker
Prof. K K Aggarwal, Founding VC, IP University
Madam Ranjna Khanna
Director, Impact Investors Council
Aurobindo Saxena
Vice President, Technopak Advisors
R. K. Vaish (IAS Retd)
Chairperson, ReTHINK INDIA
Institutional Heads May JOIN HERE and Catapult 5THIRTA in their own Institutional Contexts…
While the Gregorian Calendar would turn its annual leaf in a day’s time; we the Indics would be commemorating the advent of Uttarayan on Makar Sankranti 14th-15th of January 2022 and would be commemorating in all its majestic splendor across the nook and cranny of this civilizational antiquity of Bharatvarsha.
ReTHINK INDIA has thereby chosen this solemn cosmic occasion to host ReTHINK INDIA FORUM 2022 between 17th (Monday) and 21st (Friday) of January 2022 whereby a galaxy of luminaries from various walks of Indian Life would be extolling their insights on the overarching theme of “Reengineering the Global World Order into the Integral Indic Quartet of धर्म Dharm अर्थ Arth काम Kaam मोक्ष Moksh”
Interestingly, the World Economic Forum has been organizing its annual Global Meet at Davos, revolving around the central theme of New World Order around the same timeframe for several years advocating the theme of 4th Industrial Revolution .
At ReTHINK INDIA, for several years we have been trying to add upon a layer to this 4th Industrial Revolution which has exponentiated the VUCA factor phenomenally, metamorphosizing it to the confines of 5THIRTA aka Stability which is also the acronym for 5th Industrial Revolution – India’s Industrial Revolution – Reengineering the Global Word Order into the Integral Indic Quartet of धर्म Dharm अर्थ Arth काम Kaam मोक्ष Moksh.
Marking the 83rd Birth Anniversary of President Pranab in the year 2017, the following concept paper carrying the Vision & Action 2047 was released…
Industry 5.0 :: India’s Industrial Revolution
Vision & Action 2047
For the last 300 years, the world has made unprecedented progress in material development ending up controlling the elements from mechanical means to that of electrical ones to electronics to the now prevalent age of convergence of information popularly ascribed to as the fourth industrial revolution, which is being defined and refined every passing quarter.
Though the human race has progressed immensely in these 300 years, it has been subjected to epochs of terrific turmoil ranging from Colonial Imperialism, Drain of Sovereign National Wealth leading to Abject Poverty, World Wars, Environmental Degradation, Financial Meltdowns et al. Material Prosperity has come at the cost of losing Mental Peace, Social Stability & Human Values to a great extent.
We are at the cusp of a new era whereby the technological control over the elements would be almost absolute and the direction of its
deployment would define the future fate of humanity as a whole.
This is where India – the antiquated Civilization of the World – which entered into an age of material regression post the colossal annihilation resulted out of the Mahabharata War, which is presumed to be the epitome of material scientific progress dated at least 3000 years ago comes into prominence.
Can India offer its Civilizational Wisdom & Intellectual Traditions to steer through the contemporary material advances to lead the world towards a stable epoch of lasting peace & prosperity?
Can the characteristic Indian thought on the philosophical foundations of Human Existence, Social Order, Education, Economy, Polity, Governance, Administration, Management, Environment, Development come to an aide?
Can the Indian techno-managerial paradigms concerning Food, Healthcare, Water, Waste, Sanitation, Housing, Defence, Security, Energy, Space, Transport etc. present an additional leeway to the ongoing discourse?
Can India lead this impending 5th Industrial Revolution (5THIR) which would be stable, universal and all encompassing?
Is The Fifth Estate of India galvanized enough for taking up the leadership of this emerging narrative of India’s Industrial Revolution?
ReTHINK INDIA is furthering the aforesaid Vision & Action Plan by way of ReTHINK INDIA FORUM 2022 with the pro-active participation of The Fifth Estate of India.
Institutional Heads May JOIN HERE and Catapult 5THIRTA in their own Institutional Contexts…
India’s Most Eclectic Congregation on Education spanning thematics of
and a whole lot of emerging narratives concerning the fifth estate of education
Knowledge Partner
PSU Partner
*** October 18th , 2016
India International Centre, New Delhi
Architecting Education for an Emerging India :: Directions & Determinants
Dr. Anirban Ganguly Member Central Advisory Board on Education &
Director Dr. Syama Prasad Mookherjee Research Foundation
In what all ways education need to fast assume its due centricity in determining the definitive direction of national narrative by evoking well meaning debates and deliberations around a host of thematics concerning national life and thereby creating commensurate & dependable intellectual material to support the cause of Legislature, Executive & Judiciary in the national context.
The Nationalist Disposition under the stewardship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi which took the reigns of power in the Centenary Year of the First World War is crafting a New Age India.
The role, relevance & ramifications of Education would be extremely vital in this transformational journey of India as envisioned by its innumerable stalwarts ranging from Swami Vivekananda to Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore to Sri Aurobindo to Dr. Syama Prasad Mookherjee to Pt. Deen Dayal Upadyaya.
This Theme Note Address shall take you to the entire spectrum of thought and action encompassing the arena of National Education which is Man Making & Character Building.
How the New Education Policy has tried to encompass the innumerable elements to this effect and how it is being operationalized would remain the subject matter of this power packed stimulating exhortation form one of the sharpest young intellectuals modern India.
9:30 – 9:45
Emerging Viewpoint
The Enterprise of Education :: Vision, Values & Vitality
Education in the Indian Context has been seen more as a public good. Even the latest draft policy on Education has reiterated the same unequivocally. However, the waning of public finance across educational spectrum has led to a mammoth private eduESTABLISHMENT which by law has been decreed to be more of a not-for-profit venture. In a changing policy paradigm how do we envisage the future unfurling of the enterprise of education, which shall be quite central to the national aspirations?
What shall drive the influx of eduINVESTMENTS, much needed for ensuring quality & standards?
If Healthcare can been accorded the status of an industry, why not Education, which anyhow remains an under the table reality?
How can professionalism & accountability be invoked amidst such settings?
What contours shall determine the future direction of educational enterprises?
9:45 – 10:00
Education in Local Languages
The Raison Detre & Global Experiences
Fostering Appropriate Innovations & Nurturing Glocal Ecosystems is getting an increasing preference of educational policy makers.
The context is decisive and nothing defines it more than the cohesive power of language which determines the comprehension and thereby the connect with the local ecosystems.
What kind of a language policy should we have in practice to invoke innovations & effectiveness of the educational discourse?
How can we flourish and prosper in a global settings which are increasingly getting multilateral & multi-polar?
How is technology increasingly helping the cause of marrying the local with the Global?
10:00 – 10:45
Regulating the fifth estate :: Strategizing the Right Mix
Prof. Raj S Dhankar, Vice-Chancellor, Ansal University
Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Raina, Vice-Chancellor, DIT University
Prof. S. Natarajan, Vice-Chancellor, The Gandhigram Rural Institute Mr. Anurag Agarwal, Chairperson, Arya College of Engineering & Information Technology
Education has largely been considered as the summum bonum of professional freedom whereby it has had been the classical assumption that the governance of the conscience is much higher than that accomplished by any other means. However, the inordinate expansion of Education System, the high stakes associated alongside the significant investments attached, has led to the emerging need of regulating the academicians who are increasingly been termed as knowledge workers. This has created friction and frustration which has largely remained unaddressed affecting the high self-esteem of the educators. How can a harmonious regulatory ecosystem be accomplished? What have been some of the best & effective experiments in the fray?
10:45 – 11:30
Out of the Box
Strategies – Synergies – Serendipities
Moderated by
Sri Sudhir Agarwal Vice-President, Head – Government Relations, Thomson Reuters
Other Panelists
Dr. Sandeep Sancheti, President, Manipal University, Jaipur
Prof. Amit Banerjee, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar
Prof. Snehasis Ghosal, Apeejay Stya University, Gurgaon
The bid to create Smart Cities has taken over the imagination of one and all. The level of technological spending and otherwise which is being accorded to this one project is mind-boggling. Cities have come out with their very own definitive directions of marching ahead and have defined their own parameters for smartness.
Education however remains one of the ubiquitous quests across as the power of the smart human capital is vital for any urban transformation. The advent of Smart Applications adhering to more sophisticated Semantic & Knowledge based ones has also intensified this clarion call.
Cities after cities are trying to position themselves as eduDESTINATIONS more so as the title of Smart Cities alone.
What are the key ingredients of an eduDESTINATION?
How can the drive for becoming a thriving eduDESTINATION help the cause of transcending into a Smart City?
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Deep Dive Demystifying Educational Technology Adoption & Attunement
Ms. Saloni Malhotra Vice-President at PayTM “How a simple intervention like a payment process can disrupt and transform an educational set-up’
Other Panelists
Dr. S. Ramachandran, Vice-Chancellor, Hindustan University Prof Sanjay K Sharma, Associate Dean Research, JECRC University Prof. Piyush Javeria, Director, Pacific College of Engineering, Udaipur Mr. Utkarsh Lokesh, Editor, EdTech Review
Technology in education has somewhere become a must have both from an Access & Quality Point of View alongside the delivery of expedient & personalized learning & mentoring experiences. However, despite mammoth financial outlays & focused implementations, the effective outcomes elude the visible effect at times. The selection of the right technological mix and the corresponding vendors has become a challenging proposition for educational administrators. What’s the genesis of this wide-spread gap? What can be the right strategy for the adopt & attunement of technological mix? What are the best practices and frameworks for vendor selection?
Dr. Rashmi Ashtt, Principal, Hindu School of Architecture, Sonepat
Prof. J P Ramappa, Vice-Chancellor, ICFAI Mizoram
Dr Ravinder Kumar Malik, Joint Director (Research), ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute
Signalling excellence and key differentiators of an educational product has been the confines of word of the mouth for ages.
However, with the rapid expansion of education systems straddling public & private spaces has led to a wide spectrum of instruments.
How does the instrument of Ranking differ from Rating?
Can an all encompassing Ranking Framework be ever devised, or it has to be a clustered approach?
How the spending on educational advertising be made more meaningful & relevant?
1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
{Networking Lunch}
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Setting the Stage for Making SPORTS an integral part of
Higher Techno-managerial Education
“You will be nearer to heaven through football than through the study of the Gita” Swami Vivekananda
Introduced by
Swami Atmapriyananda
Ramakrishna Mission Swami Vivekananda University
Other Panelists
Dr. Rushen Chahal Vice-Chancellor, Rama University
Certified Expert in Gamification from Wharton
Harness Passion | Do it Right | Expect the Unexpected | Making it happen, Watching it happen, Wondering What Happened – Which are You? | Train, Study, Always be Prepared | Don’t Always Expect to be Perfect | Always Look Ahead | Playing it safe isn’t always best | Don’t Settle for Anything Less | Rise Above the Obstacles | You are never too old to start | Don’t Forget to Give Back | Set yourself up to tackle your biggest challenges | Savor your accomplishments | Anything is possible
The World of Sports presents a unique arena of education which if integrated duly into the techno-managerial education of the country can work wonders. The aforesaid nuggets of wisdom distilled from the lifetime accomplishments of sports legends do constitute a body of knowledge in itself.
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Arrival & Welcome of
Sri Vijay Goel Hon’ble Minister of Youth Affairs & Sports
Kick Start
Giving Away of eduDESTINATION AWARDS 2016
Ministerial Address
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Employability Enunciations
Giving Away of Employability Enunciators of India 2016 Felicitations
Imperatives of Internationalisation of India’s Education
for the creation of a New India
Dr. Ashok Jain
President, Mosai
The Grinding required for
Mrs. Anjali Aggarwal Principal, St. Mark’s School, Delhi
Avenues of Accentuating Educational Partnerships
with Countries Across the Globe
Masahiro Kobayashi
First Secretary, Embassy of Japan
Hiroshi Yoshino
Head, India office Tokyo University
Namrata Jha
Executive Director-India at the Duke University
Namrata Jha is the Executive Director-India at the Duke University since May 2017. Duke University in India facilitates research, partnerships, alumni connections, student learning, and other Duke activities across the country. Based in Bangalore, she overseas Universities’ operation in India. Previously she served as the Director of Institute of International Education’s New Delhi office. She was responsible for implementation of different IIE programs related to international education, academic partnerships and leadership in South Asia region. She brings 19 years of experience in institution building, Program Management and administration of global projects and Leadership Development. She has a public health background and is passionate about gender issues. Namrata is a recipient of the Business School Award for Leadership in Education and was featured in Forbes for her work on girl’s education in 2013. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Work from Delhi University and a B.A. in Psychology.
Launch of eduAFRICA Connect
With over a billion plus population, Africa happens to be the youngest continent on the planet. Despite the burgeoning Indo-African Bilateral relationships, a meagre 5800 African students opt for Higher Education in Indian Institutions. This is owing to a host of issues & lack of a concerted & streamlined eduAFRICA Connect. The eduAFRICA Connect Session at eduGLOBAL 2018 shall present an opportunity to interface with the key African & Indian Stakeholders to find out ways and means to increase this footprint of African Students in India. Representatives from African Union Embassies, Association of African Students in India, Indo-African Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Ministry of Home Affairs, Commerce & Foreign Affairs would be present in this first of its kind engagement. The occasion would also see the launch of eduAFRICA Connect Programme which shall streamline the entire process of Student Recruitment from Africa.