Employability Enunciators

2016 Awardees

express (a proposition, theory, etc.) in clear or definite terms.

Enunciation is a specialized art & skill which can transform the destiny of even nations, what to talk of institutions and its various stakeholders.

Prime Minister Modi out of his sheer power & capability to enunciate has brought about a terrific transformation in the way World’s largest democracy works in such a short period of time. 

The subject matter of employability carries extra-ordinary importance in the evolutionary curve of Indian Nation which has an ordained responsibility of putting in million plus youth to gainful employment almost every month. This also requires enunciation of a different dimension.

The role of the Training & Placement Officers across India’s Higher Technical Education space thereby assumes a unique importance as they are bestowed with the responsibility of placing the techno-managers who in turn create value & thereby further jobs down the chain. 

This entails a bhagirathi effort encompassing the entire teaching-learning-training process of an academic institution. These are the stakeholders who act as a bridge between the academia and the larger industry which absorbs the trained talent. They are the chosen lost who are given the onerous job of enunciating the skills, attitudes, distinctions which are required at the moment. They are the ones who enunciate the capacities & capabilities of the students groomed by their institution. They are the ones who are privy to the need of the current hour; are pretty aware of the need which shall evolve in the near future; have a distinctive premonition as to what shall emerge in distant future as well. 

ReTHINK INDIA thereby intends to celebrate the contribution of these unsung heroes who have been carrying forward their responsibilities despite all odds. We wish to call them as Employability Enunciators of India. 

If you are someone who has really contributed to the space and have some original substantial work to your credit, we would like to know the same from you. The form below captures a wide spectrum of the same.  

If you have any query or clarification, do feel free to contact the Editor ReTHINK INDIA (Raghav Mittal : 9910050957) or Director Relationships (Dr. Surbhi Vaish: 9910050597). 



Get the Efficacy of Your eduSOLUTIONS Vetted HERE

Academic Institutions end up investing a significant chunk of their hard earned revenue on a host of eduSOLUTIONS which are at times offered to them by way of inducements and promises of bolstering the efficacy of their teaching learning processes. They range from the conventional peripherals to most modern ones claiming to complete the educational ecosystem and augment the entire educational delivery by their variegated products & services.
However, there exists no internal evaluation framework nor an external platform which motivates the school to undergo such an elaborate exercise.
By way of identifying eduSOLUTIONS Champions, ReTHINK INDIA intends to provide this very opportunity to the School Community at large to get the efficacy of their eduSOLUTIONS vetted and recognized.
Each of the participating institutions shall be duly recognized as an eduSOLUTIONS CHAMPION for this pro-active participation and sharing of key user experience much required to create a trusted ecosystem for eduSOLUTIONS.
You can get at most 3 eduSOLUTIONS enrolled into this framework. The Jury shall adjudge you on the basis of this submission. A nominal participation fee is kept to keep this exercise entirely independent of the influence of eduSOLUTION Providers.
Dr. Surbhi Vaish Mittal
Director Relationships
M: 9910050939 | W: 9910050597

Categories: Awards

ABV Awards for Innovation 2017

Recipients of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Awards for Innovation 2017 presented on National Technology Day, May 11th, 2017


Advertising Standards Council of India

For being the Most Innovative Regulatory Body

From App to Social Media; from establishing an every evolving and self-ordained framework of codes to their due enforcement, ASCI advances its cause with the unique ingenious approach of self-transformation


Air India

for inducing innovative resistance driving home the much required point of sanity and sobriety in availing public services


Annamrit Foundation

for its innovative practice of Farmers as Owners Communes Integrating farmers with the forward market linkages and making them shareholders in the overall value chain


Arya Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur

For the attempt to Design and Assemble a Modified 3D printer to be used for manufacture of single piece prototypes of complex nature which are not possible with normal manufacturing practices


Bharat Niti

for being an ingenious engagement platform Advancing a Political Narrative in a 360 Degree Manner



for creating a series of innovative short videos explaining a vast range of issues concerning public at large


Great Game India

for its innovative approach in introducing the nuanced and multilayered narrative of International Affairs in a simple layman structure


Indian Army

for the innovative intervention of its Commander who chose to tie up a protester as a human shield to reach to the troubled polling station and rescue the strangled personnel without retorting to any collateral damage to the already disturbed environment. The innovation of the concerned Army Commander does lie in addressing this new-age information warfare whereby the Sovereign Security Forces have been put to a tactical disadvantage in due discharge of their duty to protect the territorial integrity of their homeland.


ITM Vocational University, Vadodara

for its Project Based Active Learning Pedagogy


JSS College of Pharmacy, Ootacamund

for its Patented Hapenz & NSF-3 Herbal Drugs


Kotak Mahindra Bank

for its initiative 811 which has immortalized the tectonic shift orchestrated

to catapult India to a futuristic age of banking and financial transactions



for its Nano-Technology Based De-Fluordidation Plant for Treatment of effluent water of smelter plant


RS Narayan aka Ravinar

for his initiative

which is an innovative pedagogy leveraging the social media platform for accentuating citizen resistance in national affairs


Rama University, Kanpur

for its innovative initiative

which is an e-enablement platform for schools in the nearby vicinity of the university


Ritu Rathaur

for innovating the use-case of Twitter Trends for Championing various public causes


Shreeramachandrapur Math

for its Mangal Gou Yatra Initiative

A Unique Mix of solution centric advocacy cum action plan for the protection and augmentation of bovine breed which has had a symbiotic relationship with the Indian agrarian ecosystem. The elaborate effort to cover each and every district of Karnataka to generate objective awareness about cattle centered agrarian lifestyle calls for adulation


Tajinder Bagga

for his initiative Modifying India which is an ingenious methodology in Political Activism


Thots Lab

for its innovative amalgamation of the esoteric principles of the east with the modern researches of the west to induce the process of higher order thinking during the formative years


Uttar Pradesh Police

for its initiative UP100

An overall framework for pro-actively engaging with the citizens at large and redressing their grievances at once

eduJAPAN Updates





Categories: eduJAPAN


The Future of Learning is all about the capability to appreciate the contemporary narrative which is interdisciplinary, global and rapidly evolving.

This capability can be nurtured best by putting the student to a larger gamut of news handpicked for essentially for the purpose of education and correlating it with the entire set of curriculum.

In this age of implosion of information, though the access has become expedient but the process of learning through this method has become all the more daunting.

ReTHINK INDIA has thereby put itself to this task of curating eduNEWS from various credible national and international sources across a various range of subjects.

The essential feature of this eduNEWS would be that it shall be expressed in chunks of 280 characters through the official twitter handle @eduNEWS108 carrying the essential facts and figures at once without requiring a long reading. 18 such eduNEWS items shall be curated every day with a weekly average of 108. All these 108 eduNEWS items shall be put to a weekly test on Sundays which can be taken up by the participating students on their mobiles in around 108 minutes.

While the eduNEWS bytes would be uniform for the students across class 6-12, each of these tests would be tailored to the level of the students.

Monthly rankings of the participating students shall be released as a part of this exercise which shall be reported school wise, city wise, region wise, zone wise and nation wide.

This shall keep the interest of the participating students at large. Every passing week the test would add upon the understanding and analysis of the previous weeks so that the continuity of awareness remains.

Top performing Students who would have emerged out of this exercise shall be felicitated on a periodic basis at New Delhi. The Digital Certificate of Participation shall be given away to all.

If your School is keen to be a part of this eduNEWS Initiative, you may appoint an eduNEWS – Faculty Coordinator to this effect who in turn can motivate the interested students to enroll themselves to eduNEWS.

A nominal participation fee of Rs 1008 has been kept for this entire exercise. In case you have any query or clarification you may please contact Dr. Surbhi at 9910050939.

Categories: Futuristic Learning

New India Champions 2018


To be given away during the 5THIRTA Summit 2018, Commemorating the 149th birth anniversary of Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi on October 1st at New Delhi during 5THIR SUMMIT


Download the PDF Version of the Nomination Form

“India of the ages is not dead, nor has she spoken the last creative word; she lives and has still something to do for herself and the human peoples”

These stirring words of Sri Aurobindo still reverberate in the hearts and minds of a large number of individuals and institutions which are working relentlessly to create a New India

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake

Inspired by the aforesaid words of Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore,
ReTHINK INDIA is thereby in the look out of New India Champions 2018 who have

Bolstered Hope for the Future of Indian People;
Induced Innovation in the Geo-Cultural Context of India
Designed Disruptive Transformation of Regressive Status Quo
Created Competitive Advantage for Sovereign Indian National Interests
Galvanized for Global Leadership & Service of Humanity at Large

If you are an institution which has exhibited substantial facets in the aforesaid areas, you are most welcome to nominate yourself as a New India Champion 2018.

Download the PDF Version of the Nomination Form


Dr. Surbhi Vaish Mittal
M: 9910050939 | W : 9910050597 | L: 0120-4926060

Categories: Awards

RISAT 2020

Future Proof the Aspirational Students of Class 12th at Your School

RISAT 2020


By Nominating Only Upto 20 Aspirational Students of Class 12th

Extend them an Opportunity to Secure a Privileged Seat in One of the Prestigious Futuristic Technical Institutions of the Country Offering Futuristic UG Programmes

Futuristic UG Programme essentially would comprise of 

– Interdisciplinary Learning & Research

– Human Centric Design Focus towards Products, Systems, Services, Built Environment

– Foundational Digital Competencies

– Linkages to Large-Scale Real World Issues & Problems

– Capability to Absorb VUCA and march towards 5THIRA (Stability)

besides other features…which shall be put to a rigorous testing by RISAT 2020 Secretariat.

The fate of the future of Techno-Managerial Education in India shall be determined by the trinity of
Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

While institutions of higher education are gearing up to meet up these futuristic requirements, we at ReTHINK INDIA thought of filtering the duly oriented students by way of conducting ReTHINK INDIA STEAM ASSESSMENT TEST (RISAT) at an all India level whereby the Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Quotients of the wannabe technocrats shall be ascertained and an elaborate scorecard shall be generated out of the same which shall be an additional yardstick to extend admission offers to them apart from their
standardized PCMB transcripts and scores.

The testing contexts for the RISAT would be sourced from coveted industrial & applied research organisations like CSIR, DRDO, ISRO, DAE, DBT, PSUs along with some of the leading lights of techno-managerial education globally.

It has been found that a large number of students who perform just average on count of PCMB have an innate research, innovation and entrepreneurial faculty which gets sidelined due to absence of platforms which can test and gauge them well in time.

Apart from them, a large number of meritorious and deserving outliers tend to look for differentiated programmes whereby their Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Quotients can be honed further.

What better than filtering them out by this elaborate process of RISAT.

RISAT would put the fundamental knowledge of PCMB to test in applied contexts and would thereby try to evoke and gauge the research, innovation and entrepreneurial faculties of the students at large.


In case you have any query or clarification to this effect, please feel free to Contact
Dr. Surbhi Vaish (Mob: 9910050597)


RISAT 2020 is not an elimination test like JEE Mains or JEE Advanced. It’s not a replacement of the conventional PCMB Testing as well. RISAT 2020 is merely an add-on metric for the more discerned students as well as Institutions which have chalked out Futuristic Undergraduate Programmes.


RISAT 2020 is a unique assessment to ascertain the awareness, appreciation and application of the various precepts of Science, Arts & Mathematics in the Context of Engineering & Technological Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship.  

The test is beyond the conventional confines of mere PCMB Testing and draws the Futuristic Frontiers from World Economic ForumTEDand other leading futuristic think tanks from across… 

It’s a positive and graded assessment test of the contextual learning, understanding and application of the precepts of science, arts and mathematics.

The questions are based on real world scenarios specifically with a focus on the future.   

Where & How to take the Test

The Applicants would be allowed to take the various components of RISAT 2020 from within the comforts of their personal study with no upper time constraint. However, the overall time consumed would be a parameter of evaluation.   

The applicants need to simply have a personal computer with a microphone, webcam and an internet connection.  

The Open Book nature of RISAT 2020 would enable the applicants to refer to their books; internet or even their parents, peers or teachers. However, as a fair use practice, each of this support would need to be documented and declared in the corresponding section of RISAT.   

Pre-Admission Offers

The RISAT 2020 Secretariat would report the RISAT 2020 Scores along with other baseline academic metrics of the applicants to the leading Futuristic Technical Institutions of the country and would thereby try to garner pre-admission offers from 3-5 of them for each applicant in their various programmes.

However, this would not be a guarantee but considering the nature of RISAT 2020, there is a fairly high chance of the same. 


The Test Lines shall be open from National Technology Day, 11th of May 2020 to Engineers’ Day, 15th of September 2020 to be able to give a fair spread out chance for all the Aspirational Students.


The applications to RISAT 2020 have to be routed through the Participating Schools who in turn would be encouraged to recommend only upto 20 Aspirational Students from the middle bell curve of their class with a Faculty Recommendation in about 200-400 words in the prescribed format.  

RISAT 2020 Coordinator

Each of the Participating Schools would have to appoint a Senior Faculty Member as the RISAT 2020 Coordinator as the Single Point of Contact for all administrative purposes.  


Step 1 :: Interested Schools Register for RISAT 2020 by appointing a RISAT 2020 Coordinator and filling up the Registration Form below.  

Step 2 :: Registered Schools curate a list of upto 20 Class 12th Students for RISAT 2020 and get the Faculty Recommendations for each one of them prepared 

Step 3 :: Registered Schools fill up the Advanced Registration Form by submitting the Details of Recommended Students along with the stipulated Fee.  

Step 4 :: Participating Students enrol themselves for RISAT 2020 and engage themselves for the multi-stage assessment. They shall be provided with the RISAT Curriculum and Content for Preparation from within a LMS.  

Step 5 :: RISAT 2020 Secretariat Reports the RISAT 2020 Scores to Participating Futuristic Higher Technical Institutions and garner pre-admission offers and reports them back to the participating students. 


In case you have any query or clarification to this effect, please feel free to Contact
Dr. Surbhi Vaish (Mob: 9910050597)

Categories: Assessments